Article I Name Revised 3/10/2017, 11/1/2019

The name of this organization shall be KINGSPORT BICYCLE ASSOCIATION

The official colors shall be yellow and blue.

Article II Aims

The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the general interest of cycling in all its phases: to encourage, plan, and facilitate touring and other forms of recreational cycling activities; to support and/or promote special cycling events (rides, tours, races, etc.), to represent the interest and rights of the local cyclist; to cooperate with public authorities in the observance of all traffic regulations; and to advocate the safety, security, education, proper regulation, and recognition of the bicycle as a vehicle used for recreation, health, and economic transportation and to provide input and support of local, state, and federal government authorities and other public and private agencies that are attempting to create and/or improve bicycling facilities, trails, traffic, and street plans and other bicycling related projects

The Club shall be affiliated with the League of American Wheelmen.

Article III Membership

Memberships shall be of two types Individual and Family. Family memberships shall be a household consisting of single, married or significant others with the same permanent address and any dependent children under 21.

A Parent or guardian's signature is necessary for approval of an individual membership for those under the age of 18. Each member 17 years old and under must be accompanied by a parent or sponsoring adult on all rides.

The fiscal year of the Club shall commence on the first day of November and shall end on the last day of October, of the following calendar year. Anyone joining the Club after August 1 of the membership year will be paid up for the balance of the current membership year and the next whole membership year.

Any change in the amount of annual dues for the next year is to be decided upon by the outgoing Executive Board before the end of the fiscal year. Dues of new members and members in default of dues payment shall not have their dues prorated.

If any member fails to pay the annual dues within sixty days of the date set forth for payment, their membership in the Club shall be terminated. A member may be reinstated upon payment of the annual dues. At any time if the actions of any member prove contrary to the purpose of the Club, his or her membership may be revoked by a majority vote by the Executive Board and a full refund of any current membership dues will be made.

Article IV Executive Board

The management of the affairs and activities of the Kingsport Bicycle Association shall be in the hands of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall be composed of all of the current officers. The immediate Past President may serve as an advisor to the current Board for one calendar year and have no voting privileges.

The majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Unless otherwise stated, all actions of the Board shall be by a majority vote of those present.

Board meetings shall be held at a time and place specified by the Board. A special meeting may be called by any member of the Board by notifying all other members of the Board.

All meeting of the Board shall be open to attendance by any member of the Club.

The Board shall have the authority to make rules and regulations for carrying out the procedures established by these Bylaws.

Article V Officers

The following officers shall be elected by the membership. These officers shall constitute the Executive Board: (1) President, (2) Vice-President/Newsletter Editor, (3) Secretary-Treasurer, (4) Ride Coordinator, (5) Trip Coordinator.

The newly elected officers shall take office immediately after the election at the November meeting and serve until the next annual election.

The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint committees (with approval of the Executive Board), and act as chairman of Board meetings.

The Vice-President/Newsletter Editor shall assume the President’s office and powers in the absence of the President. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President/Newsletter Editor, the Secretary/Treasurer will assume these powers. The Vice-President/Newsletter Editor may be delegated certain phases of Club activity by the President and shall be responsible for the regular publication of the Club Newsletter at a minimum frequency of monthly.

The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep the minutes of Club and Board meetings and maintain the order of Club membership records. The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for Club finances – maintain a budget, collect and record dues, and prepare reports of receipts and expenditures. The Secretary/Treasurer will ensure that the Club application is fully completed correctly with proper fees, and corrected if invalid before processing, and that the new member is given a copy of the “Common Sense Rules for Club Riding”, New Rider Tips, how to access Club communications (website, Facebook, etc.) and other communications approved by the Board. E-mailing a welcome letter with useful links for the new member to access may be used to fulfill this requirement.

The Ride Coordinator shall plan rides, and publish a ride schedule.

The Trip Coordinator shall plan out-of-town tours, make arrangements for accommodations, and notify members well in advance of scheduled trips.

The Immediate Past President may serve as an advisor to the Board for one calendar year and have no voting privileges.

A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification, or otherwise, may be filled by the Board for the unexpired portion of the term.

Any officer may be removed by the majority of the Board whenever in their judgement the best interests of the Club are not being served appropriately.

Article VI Elections

Election of Club Officers shall be held annually at the Fall meeting. An ad hoc nominating committee appointed by the President shall present a list of vetted candidates to the Board at least 30 days prior to the election. Any member in good standing may be placed on the officer candidate list. Additional names may be placed in nomination from the floor immediately prior to the election. A plurality vote shall be necessary to elect. In the event of a tie, a run-off election shall be conducted at the same meeting, with those current members in attendance authorized to cast a ballot. As above, a plurality shall be necessary to elect.

Each individual member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of the members. Family members shall be entitled to two votes per family.

Artilcle VII Meetings

There shall be a minimum of two meetings each year, one scheduled in the early Spring and the other in late Fall. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Executive Board. Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President whenever needed and are open to all members.

Article VIII Order of Business

The order of business at regular meetings shall be:

1. Call to order
2. Introduction of Officers and welcoming of guests
3. Reading of minutes of previous meeting
4. Unfinished business
5. Report of Officers
6. New Business
7. Announcements
8. Adjournment

Article IX Guidelines

Expenditures for reimbursement must be approved in advance by the President or Secretary-Treasurer.

New members, upon joining, shall receive from the Secretary-Treasurer:

(1) a Club roster, (2) written safety rules, (3)a copy of the most recent Club newsletter, and (4) a current ride schedule.

A Club newsletter shall be published and issued to members at regular intervals.

Any guest 17 and under must be accompanied on Club rides by an adult sponsor.

Article X Quorum

A quorum of the membership for the purpose of conducting business shall consist of the majority of the members in good standing present.

Article XI Amendments

Amendments to these Bylaws may be PROPOSED in writing by any member at ANY Club meeting, and must be approved by a two-thirds vote of membership at said meeting or by the officers before being brought before the entire membership for consideration. The proposal will be incorporated into these Bylaws after a thirty day written notice has been sent to the membership AND after approval by a three-quarter vote of the votes cast by the membership in person, or as votes cast by mail or by written proxy or by e-mail.

Article XII Rules

Business meetings will be conducted according to Robert's Rules of Order where appropriate.

Article XIII Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the Club, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of its liabilities, distribute all the Club’s assets to an organization in Sullivan County, Tennessee that is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes or to the League of American Bicyclists.

Revised 11-1-2019 to eleminate ride leader assignment requirement per change vote at fall meeting.
Previous 1990 By-Laws