=================================        9-01-14

   Cumulative  Turn  ToTurn  ROAD
        0.0     R      .0    out of Yuma School Parking lot onto Yuma Road/ 614
	3.3	L     3.3    Cowan Tunnel Road at Sheltons Store
        3.8     L      .5    Little Valley Road
        7.2     L     3.4    @T 
        7.3     L      .1    with Yuma Road/ 614
       (10.6  -Option-  R    onto Warm Springs/ 945 at cemetery to miss breakfast -Subtract 1.7 miles from miles)

       10.9     R     3.6    @Light on Main St./Hwy 36
       11.5     R      .5    Burgers-R-Us (option Subway)
       11.5     L            Main St./Hwy 36
       12.0     L      .5    @Light on Yuma Road/ 614 
       12.3     L      .3    onto Warm Springs/ 945 at cemetery
       13.2     L      .9    with Apple Orchard/ 714 at "ranch entrance"
       15.1     R     1.9    onto Winegar Mill Road /640
       16.6     L     1.5    @T onto Yuma Road/ 614. Pass McGee's Store
       17.0     L      .4    onto Colonial Post Office Road/ 639 along Possum Creek (DOGS)
       18.1     S            RR underpass at hill top
       19.0     R     2.0    @T onto Frisco Yard Road/ 713
       19.1     S            with Frisco Yard Road 713 north at Stanley Valley/713SW      
       19.9     L      .9    onto 632 Winingier through Hayne's Valley ( OR S for 20M )
       21.6     S            bear right after RR crossing Possum Creek Rd./632 
       23.6     S            Possum Creek Rd. (or R Cowan Tunnel for 28M)
       26.0     L     6.1    @Stop onto Upper Possum Creek ( OR R Jones Branch 32M ) 
       31.3     R     4.3    at T/Stop sign onto Caney Valley
       31.5     R      .2    Field Gap Road/ 631 ( OPTION straight for 48 miles )
       32.3     R      .8    @T onto Yuma Road/ 614
       42.4     L    10.1      Arrive at Yuma School