Ride leaves from Jonesborough Visitors Ctr. Parking Lot
by Mike F. & Eric M. - 5/2004

MILE   ToTURN TURN	STREET/ROAD (miles to next turn)
0.00	0.17	R	Onto Boone St from Jonesborough Visitors Center
0.17	0.01	L	@T Main Street
0.18	0.47	R	Spring Street
0.65	0.63	R	Stage Road
1.28	2.57	L	@T Old Embreeville Road
3.85	1.29	R	Greenwood Drive
5.14	0.11	L	@T Hwy 81
5.25	1.50	R	Mayberry Road
6.75	0.65	S	Burl Chase Road
7.40	0.45	L	@T Bacon Branch Road
7.85	0.55	R	@stop Treadway Trails
8.40	0.42	L	Al Sliger Road
8.82	0.63	L	Mashburn Road (Do not go up big hill)
9.45	1.70	R	@T Mt. Wesley Road
11.15	0.11	S	Pass Mt. Wesley Methodist Church
11.26	0.17	R	@stop Conklin Road
11.43	1.77	L	Oklahoma Rd @Washington College Rd
13.20	1.15	R	Horace Dillow Road
14.35	1.10	L	Lola Humphries Road
15.45	0.55	L	Bailey Bridge Road
16.00	1.03	S	NICK'S Restaurant on the right
17.03	2.90	S	Becomes Conklin Road
19.93	0.67	R	@Y/T Charlie Dillow Road
20.60	0.40	R	@T Jackson Bridge Road
21.00	2.50	L	Charlie Carson Road
23.50	1.90	L	@T Hwy 107
25.40	2.78	L	@stop Hwy 81 North @Crossroads Country Store
28.18	2.35	BR	Greenwood Drive
29.28	2.54	L	Old Embreeville Road
31.82	0.61	R	Stage Road
32.43	0.49	L	@T Spring Street
32.92	0.17	S	Cross Main Street onto Boone Street
33.50		L	Jonesborough Visitors Center on Left