HOLSTON RIVER RIDE : E. EMPLOYEE CENTER- YUMA/McGees General Merch. (22,25,45,51)
Cumulative To Turn Turn ROAD
---------- ----- ---- -------------------------------------- R.H. 5-04
0.1 .1 R from parking lot onto Wilcox Drive
0.2 .1 R Industry Drive
2.3 2.1 L Ft. Robinson Drive (just past RR underpass)
2.7 .5 R Union Street
2.9 X cross Stone Drive/11W at light. becomes Clouds Ford
5.9 3.0 R @T, west onto Carters Valley Road after overpass
6.1 .2 R River Rd
6.5 Leave Hawkins, enter Scott County- Apple Orchard/ 714
7.1 1.0 BR Cross bridge and continue right with Apple Orchard/ 714
8.8 1.7 BL @stop with Apple Orchard/ 714 at Warm Springs/ 945
8.9 .1 R @T onto Yuma Road / 614 (left for 22 miler-
9.5 .6 R onto Warm Springs/ 945 at cemetery
Optional straight to Hwy 23 at light. right ~.5m to Burgers R Us
10.3 .8 BL onto Apple Orchard/ 714 ct "Warm Springs Farm"
12.1 1.8 BR onto winegar Mill Road/ 640 (at mouth of Possum Creek)
13.6 1.5 L @T gnto Yuma Rd./614. McGEE's STORE ON LEFT
-14.0- * Optional long return straight via Yuma Rd/Caney V./Stanley Valley
* 51 miles or 45 miles with Fields Gap crossover
* old Store(closed) at 33 miles, Left to Frisco Yd @T then R
-14.0- .4 L onto Colonial P.O. Road/639 along Possum Creek (25 mile return)
S RR underpass at hill top
16.0 2.0 L @T Frisco Yard
16.4 0.4 L @T onto Waycross Rd. (unmarked)
16.6 0.2 L @T West Carter's Valley Road
17.5 0.9 R HARD right onto Big Elm Road
18.3 BL Continue with Big Elm/river @ Sensabaugh Hollow
19.4 BL @stop with Big Elm
20.6 3.1 L @T onto Netherland Inn Road
22.0 1.4 R @light onto Ridgefields Road
22.1 0.1 L Riverport Road
24.7 2.7 L @T Jarred
24.7 0.02 R Wilcox
25.3 S @light @Industry Drive
25.4 .7 L Eastman Employee Center