Burnsville Metric - Clockwise
Marked in Pink arrows in 2011
Total Next Notes 4/30/2011
Miles turn
0.0 1 WEST. Main St to 19-E from Town Square/Nu-Wray Inn Start
1.0 2.4 Right on new 19-E
3.4 2.1 Right onto Cane River Middle School Road
5.5 8.6 Right onto Hwy 19-W
14.1 6 bear Right across bridge to stay on 19-W
(You will stay with a river for 20+ miles)
* STORE to LEFT at Amoco (with Restroom)
20.1 .4 REST STOP; Egypt Volunteer Fire Station; restroom inside
20.5 3.9 Right on Huntdale Road
24.4 2.8 * Left to cross bridge at Peterson's STORE; Huntdale (portajohn-L)
27.2 .5 go under RR trestle, then right to stay with river
30.8 1.5 Left to cross bridge; then left; the bustling burgh of Relief
* STORE on right next to Post Office
30.8 OPTION Right follow JACK'S CREEK ROAD for 43 MILE ROUTE.
32.3 4.5 Left at STOP to stay with river; this is Green Mountain
36.0 cross bridge, cross RR tracks
36.8 3.1 * @T Right onto 226 at Red Hill Store; (portajohn-R)
39.9 Optional Right onto Hwy. 80/226A at loafers Glory -2.2miles
42.0 Right on Baker in Bakersville REST STOP or straight to 226
42.1 Left with Baker at Ridgeview against One Way
42.4 Right @T South Mitchell Avenue
42.7 BRight South 226 STORE
43.0 Lees Country Cafe Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
43.4 Right Duck Branch Rd./Rt1190
44.8 Left @T NC 80/226A / Mine Creek Rd
46.9 Bandana
49.2 Kona; what a view!
52.6 river crossing at Booneford
54.9 .2 Right, then cross river
Rest Stop
55.3 3.9 @T Right onto Hwy 19-E; Newdale
58.5 1.3 Right onto Burnsville School Road
59.8 .8 Right onto Hwy 19-E
60.6 bear Right onto East Main Street.
62.0 Finish
Town Center (Restrooms)
Burnsville: 1 1/2 hour drive from Kingsport: Main St. Exit 32 off I-26, left then right
to Erwin. Left Hwy 107 (NC 226) to Red Hill STORE then Right 197 SOUTH to
Burnsville. 2nd left after RR Xing along river (197 S.). Right @T @light onto 19E.
Bear right East Main or R at Bowditch to Square.
Slightly less travel TIME via I-26 & 19E.
Garmin has other ideas too :)