Check for Parkway closure information

Burnsville: 1 1/2 hour drive from Kingsport: Main St. Exit 32 off I-26, left then right
    to Erwin.  Left Hwy 107 (NC 226) to Red Hill STORE then Right 197 SOUTH to
    Burnsville.  2nd left after RR Xing along river (197 S.). Right @T @light onto 19E. 
    Bear right East Main or R at Bowditch to Square. Slightly less travel TIME via I-26 & 19E.

         MOUNT MITCHELL :  from town of Nu-Wray Inn in Burnsville, NC
         ===== ========    ~6:30 total travel time. Suggest leaving 9:00-9:30

Cumulative  Turn   ToTurn  ROAD                                 RH: 8/90-07
__________  _____  ______  ________
      0.00                 Start East from Nu-Wray Inn         9:55 a.m.
      1.05    L      1.05  on 19E @T & Stop
      4.55    R      3.50  Hwy 80 towards Marion
      5.15    R       .50  on Hwy 80 towards Marion in Micaville  (store)
                           Stores at 9.04, 10.37, 13.22, 13.33
     13.75                 Carolina Hemlock Recreation Area & Campground
     17.40                 Hamrick Inn B&B(closed) 7787 Hwy 80 on left
     17.66                 Last store before Mitchell on right
     19.15    R     14.00  Blue Ridge Parkway access
     19.21    L       .06  South on Blue Ridge Parkway         11:12 a.m.
     19.80                 Twin Tunnels- Longer (* -BIKE LIGHTS REQUIRED BY BRP- *)
     24.20                 Rough Ridge Tunnel  (short)
     25.10                 Overlook on right of Mt. Mitchell 4825': 2m downhill
     30.66    R     11.45  128 towards Mt. Mitchell State Park
     33.08    S      2.42  Park Entrance/Office (water & restroom). road flattens
     33.80                 MMSP Restaurant Entrance (fuel for return?)
     35.41           2.33  Summit parking lot 6578' (1-1/4M)(Water, restrooms, snacks)
                           1:33p.m.  3:40 from Bville, walk to Top Elevation 6684'

     35.41    U            Return Route: SAME                  2:05 p.m.
     40.16    L      4.75  North @T onto Blue Ridge Parkway
     45.08                 Green Knob overlook on right   4760'
     45.56                 Mt. Mitchell overlook on left at hilltop.  4825'
     51.42    R     11.26  Burnsville/80  exit off parkway
     51.52    L       .10  Hwy 80
     52.32                 1st Store   (on left)               3:13 p.m.
     56.94                 Recreation Area/ Campground
     65.51    L     13.99  @T in Micaville
     66.03    L       .52  @T onto 19E
     68       R            -optional- turn onto Burnsville School Rd - then back to 19-E 
     69.32    S      3.29  through light
     69.47    VR      .15  bear right into Burnsville 
     70.67           1.20  Arrive at Nu-Wray Inn   4:24 p.m.    2:19 return

    BLUE-RED LOOP:  from Nu-Wray Inn Burnsville, NC  : Counter-clockwise
Cumulative  Turn   ToTurn  ROAD                                 RH: 8/90
__________  _____  ______  ____________________
      0.00                 Start East from Nu-Wray Inn (shorter version of Metric)       
      1.05   L      1.05   @T 19E
     ~4.     L             Road 1308. becomes 1312 then 1338 
                           follows Toe and Cane river most of way
     50.00   L             19E back to Burnsville: 50 miles

   37 mile LOOP:  Junction of 19E and Jacks Creek Road, 2.8 miles W.of Burnsville Square: Clockwise
Cumulative  Turn   ToTurn  ROAD                                 RH: 7/06
__________  _____  ______  ____________________
      0.0    R             on Hwy 19, go .6 miles
      0.6    R             on Cane River Middle School Rd, go 2.1 miles
      2.7    R             on 19-W, go 8.6 miles
     11.3    bear R        to stay on 19-W (there is a store here); go 6 miles
     17.3    S             pass Egypt-Ramseytown Fire Station #2 then in .4 miles
     17.7    R             on Huntdale Rd., go 3.9 miles
     21.6    L             to cross bridge; Peterson's Store; go 2.8 miles
     22.1                  go under RR trestle, then R on Relief Rd. (stay with river); go .5 
     25.2    R             right to cross bridge, then left; go 3.1 miles
     28.3    R             (straight) leave river on Jacks Creek Rd
     37                    stay on Jacks Creek Rd for about 10 miles to return to Blossman Gas

         SUNDAY RIDE:  from Nu-Wray Inn  (~1:50)
Cumulative  Turn   ToTurn  ROAD                                 RH: 8/90-05 & 8/18
__________  ____   ______  ____________________
      0.0                  Start East from Nu-Wray Inn on Main.       
       .6    R       .6    Pensacola Road (Hwy 197)
       .7    X       .1    @light cross 19E
             VR            after hill and follow along Cane river through Pensacola
     11.3    S     10.6    Straight onto Ewart Wilson Rd @ Murchlson @ 197 (optional hill extension?) 
     13.9    U      1.6    End state maintained road- return same route (27.8m) OR
             R             at Pensacola onto Capitol Creek Road
                           old Pensacola RR Depot on left.  U turn 20+ miles
             R             Pensacola Rd at Store/ Church
             R             Bolens Creek Road (some climbing!)
             R             Pensacola Rd @ stop
             X             @ light cross 19E then Left up Main Street to Square
     30.0                  Finish at Square