AMOCO SERVICE STATION AT CENTRAL HS TO PARDNER'S IN PINEY FLATS MILES Cumulative To Turn Turn ROAD (LOG MILES AND RETURN) __________ _____ ____ ________ 0.00 Start Amoco service station . . L on Hwy 126 (Memorial) .58 .58 R Adam's Chapel Road 1.84 1.26 R on Airport Rd (Hwy 75) THEN AN IMMEDIATE 1.90 .06 L on Hawley Road 2.77 .87 VL on Shanks Road 3.79 1.02 R @T Muddy Creek (unmarked) 4.90 1.11 L@V onto Wagner (unmarked) (store will be on right) 7.20 2.30 X cross DeVault bridge over lake 8.78 1.58 VL bear left on Devault Bridge Road @store 9.17 .39 R becomes Allison Road (dangerous curve .5m ahead) 11.84 2.67 L Warren Road (@ Store) 11.95 .11 R Weaver Branch Road (unmarked:Ruritan Park Sign) 13.54 1.59 R Poplar Ridge Road 14.78 1.24 L Hwy 11E (option R to Appco Station at light) 14.93 .15 L PARDNERS RETURN ROUTE: R Leave parking lot onto 11E 15.09 .16 R Poplar Ridge Road 16.34 1.25 R Weaver Branch Road 17.57 1.23 L Hunting Hills Road 18.77 1.20 R D. Droke Road 19.95 1.18 R @T Enterprise (cross bridge) 21.52 1.57 L Buffalo Ridge Road 22.56 1.04 R Big Hollow 24.63 2.07 L Camp Placid (@ chain link fence) 25.78 1.15 L @T Hwy 75 26.43 .65 L Muddy Creek (@R&C Transmission) 27.01 .58 R Pleasant Hill 28.14 1.13 R @T Hawley 28.28 .14 R Hwy 75 THEN 28.34 .06 L Adam's Chapel 29.61 1.27 L Hwy 126 (Memorial Blvd.) 30.16 .55 R AMOCO Service station RH: 1/92