KBA HTML Text Cue Sheets are at Cue Sheets. . . .Ride Start Details

Cue-sheets & Maps are for general reference to a ride area, and will show one possible way of getting to a destination and back, but not necessarily the "newest" or best way. Routes are not cast in stone and may vary some from maps / cue-sheets, some of which are very old! and may not reflect current stops or newer/ improved routes sometimes created to get away from new subdevison and back to more rural routes. Be open to try a new variation, you may even like it better! In general, the HTML cue-sheets are more up-to-date than the PDF map/cue-sheet combinations since they are easier to update.

The following are some scans of SOME of our Cue Sheets with maps in .PDF format.
You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on your PC to view these maps and probably will find this program neccessary for other files you will run across elsewhere. Install it if you don't already have it on your system.


Last update November 22, 2008