Below the line shows the HTML script needed to produce this simple web page including an example hyperlink.

You can view the source code of most pages by clicking on VIEW then SOURCE with Internet Explorer.

<html> <head> <title>HTML Example Page</title> </head> <body> <blockquote> <center> <h2>HTML EXAMPLE PAGE</h2> </center> <p>Below the line shows the HTML script needed to produce this simple web page including an example <a href="example.htm" >hyperlink</a>.</p> <p> You can view the source code of most pages by clicking on VIEW then SOURCE with Internet Explorer.<p/> <hr /> </blockquote> </body> </html>

Same example with comments.

<!-- this is an example of a comment line --> <html> <!-- Marks the beginning TAG for the HTML script --> <!-- There is a matching end HTML tag at the bottom --> <head> <!-- Header information --> <title>HTML Example Page</title> </head> <body> <!-- The main script BODY begins here --> <blockquote> <!-- indents / gives margins --> <center> <!-- Centers the size 2 heading --> <h2>HTML EXAMPLE PAGE</h2> </center> <p>Below the line shows the HTML script needed to produce this simple web page including an example <a href="example.htm" >hyperlink</a>.</p> <p> You can view the source code of most pages by clicking on VIEW then SOURCE with Internet Explorer.<p/> <hr /> <!-- a horizontal rule TAG --> </blockquote> </body> </html>